Says the director: “Works about the Vatican in the past were of two types, either against it or completely hagiographic. John Malkovich, Silvio Orlando and Jude Law in The New Pope.Credit:Gianni Fiorito, “Our approach was to try to tell without prejudice what is the life of this world. John Malkovich, Silvio Orlando and Jude Law in The New Pope. Pope Pius XIII maybe mouldering in the hospital but his presence walks the corridors of this show. The New Pope (a co-production by Sky Atlantic, HBO and Canal+) picks up where The Young Pope left off, with Pius XIII (Jude Law) in a coma and the Holy See scurrying to come up with a replacement. It can have the same name but mean different things to lots of different people. Everyone loves a secret. It was Paolo who made it clear that what he really wanted me to play was the man, so I just concentrated on creating a three-dimensional human from childhood to the time you meet him. You don’t have to be a Catholic to be curious about what goes on behind the walls of the Vatican, with its cabals of cardinals, risky finances, reputed factional divides and raunchy history; heaven only knows what goes on in that holy inner sanctum. It premiered on January 13, 2020. Sorrentino is 42. Photo: HBO When The Young Pope originally aired in 2017, the idea of a second season seemed like a sinful pipe dream. I think it is natural that intelligent people in the church will react very well to this work.”. The New Pope: John Malkovich steps into Jude Law's papal shoes. Sexy and surreal, it was nevertheless surprisingly uncontroversial. “The New Pope,” like its jaunty predecessor, is a story built on gospels. But I think it’s just a kind of thing Paolo has. Sorrentino’s grand mansion contains many doors. The Venice film festival screened two episodes of the forthcoming nine-part series, each preceded by an abridged summary of what went before. He’d be a dead ringer for the caterpillar out of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Enter John Malkovich as Sir John Brannox, an erudite, aristocratic Englishman in cardinal’s silks who seems to have wafted in from Brideshead Revisited. Alot can be said from just his monolouge between him and lenny. CNA Staff, Oct 22, 2020 / 12:20 pm MT ().-“Francesco,” a newly-released documentary on Pope Francis, contains comments from the pope … Don’t be alarmed. Enter John Malkovich as Sir John Brannox, an erudite, aristocratic Englishman in cardinal’s silks who seems to have wafted in from Brideshead Revisited . It is important for them. But then, ... "In the final analysis, it … « le nouveau pape ») est une mini-série en co-production italienne, française et espagnole, composée de neuf épisodes, créée par Paolo Sorrentino.C'est une suite de la mini-série The Young Pope de 2016, initialement pensée comme une deuxième saison [1]. Jude Law as Pope Pius XIII in Paolo Sorrentino's lavish TV series The New Pope. "The guilt, the sense of sin, is something deep-rooted inside us, whether or not we’re believers. “But he sort of held a mirror up, more than anything.”. These days, when you mention a priest, they are soon a suspect for the reason everybody knows. A holy war to come. True confessions: what really goes on behind the Vatican walls. The whole thing is so immaculate that it risks holding the viewer at arm’s length. Law was daunted at first, when he tried to research Vatican history, by how much he didn’t know. Yes, those keeping up with “The New Pope” are now looking at Lenny Belardo, the so-called young pope played by Jude Law, alive and in … The New Pope is an HBO series that is the continuation of the previous series The Young Pope that stared Jude Law as the pious that lies in a coma and the Catholic Church is in crisis. Law appears in ghostly form, laying a consoling hand on a shoulder or parading in Speedos on the beach at the Lido. With Jude Law, John Malkovich, Silvio Orlando, Cécile de France. It makes the television audience believe that the new Pope's views will be too youthful, too American, too untraditional. Paolo Sorrentino’s inside look at the leadership of a fictionalized Catholic … Papal buffs will remember Sorrentino’s The Young Pope, in which Jude Law’s egotistical Pius XIII (originally Lenny Belardo) first grappled his way to princely power. When we asked to shoot in the Sistine Chapel for instance, the answer was neither yes or no, it was something else we could not understand. Law’s portrayal of the saintly, godly priest brought the energy this season of Paolo Sorrentino’s show severely lacked, the same energy that made the precursor series The Young Pope so fascinating. The College of Cardinals play papal-political hardball to name the erstwhile Pius XIII’s successor, and the game goes horribly awry. Many, many times I had to say ‘OK, but what does this mean?' Don’t worry, Jude Law’s Pius XIII can still lay claim to the title of … The New Pope, Sky Atlantic, review: John Malkovich takes charge as Paolo Sorrentino’s unholy treat returns “Paolo has a unique brushstroke,” says Law. The New Pope is a Mini Series and the sequel to The Young Pope, created and directed like the latter by Paolo Sorrentino, and produced by HBO, Sky Atlantic, and Canal+. “He’s persuasive, seductive. He envelops you,” remarks the Holy See’s marketing chief Sofia (Cécile de France). At the start of this series, renamed The New Pope, Lenny’s immobile body has become the focus of a cult: one radio station broadcast the sound of his unconscious breathing round the clock to the devoted masses. 1080i First shown inItaly Original release10 January – 7 February 2020 Chronology … Fragile, with a sense of the spiritual,” says Malkovich. “I don’t think sex is really the big motivator in his life. The intense episode showcased the rise of the young Pope while the new Pope John Paul III (John Malkovich) chose to step down to follow his dreams. So it’s important to do a piece about priests where they can be saintly, they can be normal, they can be bad. Like Lenny, Brannox strives for holiness. Crucially, we are made to feel that behind each is a story that would merit its own standalone drama. (Sorrentino has always relished juggling the profound with the profane.) Jude Law haunts Paolo Sorrentino’s glorious follow-up to The Young Pope, but Malkovich’s purring pontiff-in-waiting is divine, Last modified on Mon 2 Sep 2019 18.10 BST. The New Pope's new teaser showcases John Malkovich. Meanwhile, the leaderless church is beset by terrorist and other threats. My wife’s Italian and she would get very frustrated with me because of my insistence on clarity. The New Pope. True to its defiant spirit, The New Pope ended with an unruly child blowing a raspberry in the face of papal authority. I think really what I learned, in my heart of hearts, was that faith is a very personal thing. “The man seems to be made of velvet.”. Sorrentino, by contrast, sees these gnostic exchanges as very much of a piece with his experience. Style to burn … Jude Law and John Malkovich in The New Pope. Even his Italian is as liquid as his shooting, so it’s not easily pinned.”, Jude Law as Pope Pius XIII in Paolo Sorrentino's lavish TV series The New Pope.Credit:SBS. I think that’s true for all Italian people. The New Pope is also as slow-moving as The Young Pope, with entire scenes consisting of church officials in vestments advancing slowly through elaborate chambers, or fantasy sequences of hot young nuns in white nightgowns writhing around a neon cross. “It’s very much an exploration, an investigation, of the sacred and the profane, of the struggle to believe and the struggle to live, really.”, Sorrentino was drawn initially to Malkovich as an actor who already had a peculiarly iconic aura. It provides another deep dive into the hidden world of the Vatican City, marvelling at its mystique with agnostic fervour. The most viable candidate is Sir John Brannox (beautifully embodied by John Malkovich), an intellectual English aristo renowned for a theological text, The Middle Way, that he wrote in his youth. And I think that is part of his mystery. “I think more than I like to admit. Talking to him for three, four hours I started to think that the best thing was to adapt the role to the real John Malkovich. It’s good to have him back, but on the evidence of two episodes, I’m more taken with the new arrival. Yes, there’s a … Tell me about The New Pope There are three things you need to know about this follow-up series going in. Says Sofia (Cecile de France), the unfeasibly luscious Vatican marketing manager, “the man seems to be made of velvet”. "And I think as long as it’s not used to judge others, it’s a really beautiful thing.”. Conversation and conciliation between conservative Benedict and progressive Francis, as the Oscar-baiting film The Two Popes propounds on Netflix? Read full review. That's indicative of The New Pope's ultimate weakness, overall.In terms of pure sight and sound, the show is an aesthetic miracle. Vinnie Mancuso Jan 7, 2020. The series found something close to closure when Pope Pius suffered a heart attack that plunged him into an apparently irreversible coma. For the finale of this season of HBO’s faithful drama, Pius XIII and current … Lenny Belardo, the young pope, may or may not be a miracle worker chosen by God, but first he is … Brannox lounges at its centre, apparently all-knowing and all-seeing. The English pope would be intersting indeed, especially since there hasnt been a pope from England since Pope Adrian IV almost 1000 years ago. The lovable short South American pope would be an interesting choice, but could set parallels to pope Francis. One pope, two pope, young pope, new pope. The New Pope is written by Sorrentino with Umberto Contarello and Stefano Bises and stars Jude Law and John Malkovich. Besides bringing the long-loved character Lenny Bernardo (Jude Law) back to the Vatican, the last episode also shed light on issues such as religious fanaticism, terrorism and crippling politics within the Holy See. Two Popes. But even in this bowdlerised form, it looks splendid, like Michelangelo’s Pietà, which is scarred by a terrorist bomb at the top of episode seven. A new pope must be found. Instead, we get nine, at least three of which just tread water. The New Pope is not to be confused with The Two Popes, the buddy comedy about Francis and Benedict that Netflix released before Christmas (and which, inexplicably, many people liked). 60. Jude Law reprend son rôle du pape Pie XIII, et John Malkovich dans celui du pape Jean-Paul III [2]. John Malkovich as Sir John Brannox, an erudite, aristocratic Englishman in cardinal’s silks who seems to have wafted in from Brideshead Revisited.Credit:SBS, “I think when people first heard the words 'young pope' and saw the casting, they thought it was going to be about debauchery and scandal,” he says. Created by Paolo Sorrentino. Even so, he thinks the church is still present in his imaginative life. Catholicism for an Italian is very present, even though we might not go to church,'' he says. Lenny Belardo / Pius XIII has fallen into a coma, and a new pope, John Paul III (born John Brannox, played by John Malkovich), is elected. Malkovich plays delicate Brannox with a purring, campy charisma; resplendent in a purple suit, a smudge of mascara beneath watchful eyes. One, at the end of the first go-round, Pope Lenny collapsed and is … Yes, those keeping up with “The New Pope” are now looking at Lenny Belardo, the so-called young pope played by Jude Law, alive and in the flesh. A new pope must be found. “It’s very close to reality, actually,” he says. Jude Law says he thinks that however bizarre Sorrentino’s vision – a scene in which he runs the gauntlet of a parade of bathing beauties while wearing nothing more than some minimal bathing trunks certainly sticks in the memory – it is not disrespectful. Or something closer to Italian maestro Paolo Sorrento’s The New Pope, a fever dream of power, lust and faith foaming copiously over eight hour-long episodes? Anyone who was captivated by Paolo Sorrentino’s The Young Pope will be relieved that his follow-up, The New Pope, is just as rich and ravishing and gloriously enigmatic. Things get … It's hard to know what Sorrentino is trying to say about the church with such imagery, and hard to … Then I met him. It’s something in the water.”. The New Pope (a co-production by Sky Atlantic, HBO and Canal+) picks up where The Young Pope left off, with Pius XIII (Jude Law) in a coma and the Holy See scurrying to come up with a replacement. John Malkovich joins Jude Law in Paolo Sorrentino's follow up to The Young Pope, with a … “Then there’s the element of maybe a kind of Italianate flippancy and irony that may not be easily understood in English. The show’s answer is that they are made. Just weeks after the premiere of “The Two Popes” on Netflix, a new take on the idea of dueling pontiffs is about to have its day. When he’s not reclining on the chaises longues, Brannox likes sitting upright on a stool, caressing his harp. Sorrentino possesses style to burn and elegance to squander. “The New Pope,” nine episodes of which are currently playing on HBO, is a sequel to 2016’s “The Young Pope,” and has arrived at the dramatic and timely destination to … John Malkovich in my perception is wise, ironic. John Malkovich as Sir John Brannox, an erudite, aristocratic Englishman in cardinal’s silks who seems to have wafted in from Brideshead Revisited. The nine-episode original series from director Paolo Sorrentino is his second series set in the world of the modern papacy. The church is never in a hurry to give answers or to make decisions. But then the director will gently lance us with a moment of emotional truth, drawing our attention to the pensive old cardinal who was abused as a boy, or the emaciated child in the bed of a supposedly cursed house. As with the man, so with the series. He says he made his last confession in high school. The New Pope loops and darts from one gorgeous set piece to the next, whether it’s a religious tableau set to haunting dance music or a nocturnal stroll through a wintry Venice. "And what did I learn? On arriving at his stately pile, with its shades of Brideshead Revisited, the Catholic delegates are drawn into a realm that is almost as arcane and thick with secrets as the one they’ve left behind in Rome. John Malkovich’s Pope Giovanni Paolo III is introduced in the new HBO teaser for The New Pope, premiering in January. Plop him on a toadstool and pass the man a hookah. “I realised I had an almost unending task in front of me and started to panic. •The New Pope screened at the Venice film festival; it will be broadcast on HBO in the US and Sky Atlantic in the UK. 6- Marivaux as pope. He’s distant but can be warm, all things that were very, very interesting for the pope that I was looking for.”, Sorrentino’s reveries of popedom are long on bling but short on explanation; much of the dialogue is so elusive it comes across as a series of riddles. The New Pope would be much more enjoyable if it were streamlined into the five or six episodes necessary to effectively tell the story that needs to be told. “My dealings with the church never took a direct, straightforward path. Only one Vatican. I think he’s quite a haunted character in a lot of ways. Malkovich says most of it was translated, from Sorrentino’s Italian script into English by a non-native speaker. Seven episodes into The New Pope's nine-episode season on HBO, Jude Law's Pius XIII has finally awoken from his coma and brought his sexy strutting with him. Nurture, not nature, is destiny—but it can be tamed. “The New Pope,” somewhere between a second season and a new nine-episode mini-series, begins Monday on HBO. The return of Pope Pius XIII (Jude Law) sparked something within The New Pope universe. The New Pope (litt. The New Pope is here—and as the title would imply, there’s a new pope in town. Stephanie Bunbury is a film and culture writer for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald. That is how it works; that is how you become an institution that has lasted for millennia.” His story is no more Byzantine than the reality. He says: “There is a movie called Being John Malkovich; there is no Being Robert de Niro or Being Meryl Streep. Posted Tuesday 9/03/19 at 10:09PM EDT Jude Law says The New Pope had me wear the "smallest costume I was ever given": A napkin News Analysis.
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