1 Saison 1 1.1 Kapitel 1: Willkommen beim Quidditch 1.2 Kapitel 2: Der Weg zum Ausscheidungskampf 1.3 Kapitel 3: Trainigstage 1.4 Kapitel 4: Strategische Schritte 1.5 Kapitel 5: Countdown zum Ausscheidungskampf 1.6 Kapitel 6: Die Jagd beginnt 1.7 Kapitel 7: Zeit der Entscheidung 1.8 Kapitel 8: Der… Reward(s) upon completion Gem(s) If you manage to win, your House will claim the Quidditch Cup! Information Reward(s) upon completion Reward(s) upon completion Quest for the Quidditch Cup Competence(s) Reward(s) upon completion Coin(s) Parts During the Quidditch chapters, Skye will train you in order to help you succeed at your tryouts for the team. Go to Practice (Quidditch Pitch)Talk to Murphy (Commentary Box)Teach Rath (Quidditch Pitch) Passe die FPS im Spiel an, um eine unglaublich nahtlose Spieleleistung zu erzielen. Experience Quidditch like never before in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery! Parts Meet Penny (Great Hall)Study with Skye (Quidditch Stands)Get a Quidditch lesson (Quidditch Changing Rooms)Begin your Quidditch training (Quidditch Pitch) As you may already know, Quidditch becomes available once you complete Year 2 Chapter 6, and it brings a lot of new things to the table, including new game mode, new cosmetics, and new friends. Parts The perfect keepsake for any witch or wizard to add to your Harry Potter collection. Information Attribute(s) Parts Quidditch is unlocked once you complete Year 2 Chapter 6, and it is accessible from the Side Quest window. Find Skye (Quidditch Pitch)Complete 2 Quidditch Friendlies (Quidditch Pitch)Help Andre (Quidditch Changing Rooms)Attend Tryouts (Quidditch Pitch)Meet with Andre (Courtyard)Go to Quidditch practise (Quidditch Pitch) Attribute(s) Go to Party (Training Grounds)Talk to Skye (Lower Floor - West)Head to the Pitch (Quidditch Pitch)Prepare for House Match (Quidditch Changing Rooms)Go to Team Meeting (Quidditch Changing Rooms) Spoilers will be present within the article. Meet with Murphy (Great Hall)Meet with Head of House (Great Hall)Complete 2 Quidditch FriendliesMeet with Orion (Quidditch Changing Rooms)Meet with Skye (Quidditch Stands)Go to Party (Training Grounds) 1 Season 1 1.1 Chapter 1: Welcome to Quidditch 1.2 Chapter 2: The Road to Tryouts 1.3 Chapter 3: Training Days 1.4 Chapter 4: Strategic Moves 1.5 Chapter 5: Countdown to Tryouts 1.6 Chapter 6: The Chase is On 1.7 Chapter 7: Decision Time 1.8 Chapter 8: The First House Match 1.9 Chapter 9: Searching … Attribute(s) net is one of the oldest Harry Potter RPGs available today. 22 février 2021 dans Non classé par dans Non classé par Coin(s) Equipe de Quidditch de Gryffondor (mauaise réponse) 20:55 Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery : soluce du chapitre 13 (année 4) 16:59 Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery :. Train with Skye (Quidditch Pitch)Complete 2 Quidditch FriendliesTrain with Skye (Quidditch Pitch)Complete practice match with Skye (Quidditch Pitch)Complete 2 Quidditch FriendliesMeet with Penny (Courtyard)Train with Skye (Quidditch Pitch)Meet with Skye (Quidditch Changing Rooms)Learn a new move (Quidditch Pitch)Complete practice match with Skye (Quidditch Pitch) Attribute(s) Meet with Murphy (Great Hall)Get Orion's Advice (Quidditch Pitch)Complete 2 Quidditch Friendlies (Quidditch Pitch)Observe Your Opponents (Quidditch Stands)Complete 3 Quidditch Friendlies (Quidditch Pitch)Talk to Hooch (Quidditch Changing Rooms)Go to Quidditch practise (Quidditch Pitch)Complete 2 Quidditch Friendlies (Quidditch Pitch) Given how knowledgeable he is when it comes to Quidditch, he will aid you by teaching you some important strategies that could help you tremendously. In any case, Quidditch brings a lot of new things to Hogwarts Mystery, and without a doubt is something that the playerbase was asking for ever since the game got released. Meet with Orion (Quidditch Pitch)Complete 3 Quidditch FriendliesMeet with Orion (Quidditch Pitch)Complete 2 Quidditch FriendliesMeet with Murphy (Commentary Box)Meet with Orion (Quidditch Pitch)Try out for Quidditch (Quidditch Changing Rooms) Parts 200, The First House Match This also unlocks a new area – Quidditch Stadium, which will also … Information For example, you will need to be able to mount a hexed broom, demonstrate quick thinking, fast reflexes, and much more if you want to become a member of your House team. Meet with Rita (Courtyard)Go to practise (Quidditch Pitch)Talk to Face Paint Kid (Training Grounds)Meet with Skye (Quidditch Stands)Talk to Rath (Lower Floor - West) Information Coin(s) 200, The Chase is On Hohe Fps . Parts Coin(s) While all of this may sound intimidating at start, with some hard work and dedication, you might be able to pull it off and become the newest member of your House team. 200, Welcome back to Quidditch Gem(s) Information 2, The Comet Caper Parts Information Parts Quidditch is a huge part of Wizarding World, and you have the chance to experience it in Hogwarts Mystery. Friendship established This will continue the story from Quidditch Season 1, and a lot of events from it will be referenced. At some point during her time at school, she became a Chaser of the Quidditch team. However, the Quidditch content is entirely optional, so if for some reason you dislike it, or don’t want to take part in it, you should still be fine as it won’t affect the main story in any significant way. While playing Quidditch chapters, you will be able to meet, get to know, and ultimately befriend some new and interesting characters. Solve the Mystery (Hagrid's Garden)Meet your Friends (Quidditch Pitch) Parts Information Competence(s) Reward(s) upon completion Here you can find the detailed Walkthrough for Rivalry, Respect, and Rath Adventure. Murphy McNully He may seem very weird and awkward at start since he is quite an unusual person. Reward(s) upon completion Here you can find the extensive Walkthrough for Searching for a Comet Adventure. 50 Empathy Can you lead your team to victory and defeat the menacing Rath in this Quidditch Cup? Community content is available under. Parts In the previous chapter, you did your best to prepare for your first official Quidditch match. Attribute(s) Information Parts Skye Parkin Go to the Pitch (Quidditch Pitch)Go to Changing Room (Quidditch Changing Rooms)Meet with Skye (Common Room)Meet with Head of House (Classroom)Go to practise (Quidditch Pitch) 200 Reward(s) upon completion However, you will eventually get to know him, and realize there’s more to him. Reward(s) upon completion Literature Quiz / Hogwarts Quidditch Exam Random Literature or Young Adult Quiz Board your broom and choose answers for the specific … Item(s) This section contains the detailed Walkthrough for Quest for the Quidditch Cup Adventure. 50 Empathy However, the road to becoming a Quidditch player for your House team will be a bumpy one. Parts Coin(s) Reward(s) upon completion Hello everyone, welcome to our Quidditch section for Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. 50 Courage Go to Quidditch Changing Room (Quidditch Changing Rooms)Complete 3 Quidditch Friendlies (Quidditch Pitch)Go to the Quidditch Pitch (Quidditch Pitch)Meet with Murphy (Commentary Box)Catch Up (Great Hall)Go to Quidditch practise (Quidditch Pitch) You also attended the pre-match party in order to … Coin(s) Penny will be the one to convince you to tryout for your House team, and you will find yourself preparing for that. The game made by the BlueMoonGame team is now available in stores. Her father is Ethan Parkin, a famous Quidditch player. Erika Rath, Stormy Skye While Quidditch story is not related to the main story, it will reference some parts of it. Information Not just that, but he often employs strange and unorthodox strategies, which could make you question his methods. She even taught you Parkin’s Pincer, her family’s signature move. 3, The Rath Method Reward(s) upon completion 200, Conflict and competition Coin(s) Skye is a member of the Parkin family, a family which founded Wigtown Wanderers back in 1422. Chaser (skill acquired upon completion) Diese kann er durch eigene Entscheidungen selbst beeinflussen. Also, now that you’ve become a Quidditch star, most of the characters will … Reward(s) upon completion Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Quidditch Season 1 Chapter 8 for Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. After becoming a Chaser for your house team, you will be presented with new challenges, opportunities, and story filled with excitement. 200. Bludger Backbeat Complete a caper with your Quidditch crew to learn a special new Quidditch move that you can only do on your new Comet broom! Download & Play Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Unblocked on PC! Her father, Ethan Parkin, was considered a Quidditch legend, and her ancestors founded the Wigtown Wanderers. Please help the Harry Potter Wiki by expanding this article to give more complete coverage of its subject. The cards are complete with biographies of Hogwarts Headmaster Albus Dumbledore and the Hogwarts House Founders: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Helga Hufflepuff, and Rowena Ravenclaw. And to top things off, you will need to understand a lot about strategy, teamwork and coordination as well. https://www.bluemoongame.com/harry-potter-hogwarts-mystery/quidditch Confront the Commentator (Commentary Box)Complete practice match (Commentary Box)Complete 2 Quidditch FriendliesMeet with Penny (Courtyard)Meet with Murphy (Great Hall)Complete 2 Quidditch FriendliesMeet with Murphy (Quidditch Changing Rooms)Demonstrate a Strategy (Commentary Box)Complete practice match (Commentary Box) You will have to learn a lot about the history of this sport, its rules, and that’s just one part of it. 200, Countdown to Tryouts 50 Knowledge Gem(s) Reward(s) upon completion Reward(s) upon completion Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World. Information Der Spieler erstellt einen Avatar, welcher an der Hogwarts-Schule für Hexerei und Zauberei im Unterricht teilnehmen wird und Abenteuer erlebt. The reason for this is Skye Parkin, a Chaser of your House team.
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