Hi. Might have to get creative with the 27 ohm resistor in the EJ that goes from Fuzz 2 to the electro cap that normally goes between Fuzz 2 and Ground/Fuzz 1, and the 27p cap that goes between collector and base of Q2. By the time the thing got to me it was a beaten chassis with no … Red is an NPN Silicon fuzz, using a pair of custom picked BC109C transistors. Hi, just giving this a go for my first DIY pedal try.Just a quick question, what is 4001 on the diagram?Thanks, It's a 1N4001 diode and there to protect the circuit from a reverse polarity power supply, o meu 4001 esquenta muito,,,porque sera dai tirei...(mas o pedal ta funcionando). All you have to do is print. This is a library of perfboard and single-sided PCB effect layouts for guitar and bass. Check out the Transfer Image Library tab at the top of the page. Cut off one COLLECTOR 4. connect a 3k to 6k resistor between … Try using higher gain transistors. Buy a FF5 Complete Kit. NPN FUZZ FACE OtalgiaFX www.otalgiafx.co.uk “A Classic Fuzz pedal that is Pedal board friendly” ** Please note that this some of the parts in this list are interchangeable. Transistor tips. I have a couple of OC140 NPN Germanium Transistors in the right hFE range for a fuzz face build. Here are ways to create beautiful-sounding classic Fuzz Faces and Tone Benders using cheap parts that were long-ignored. It is working but it uses 2 older metal case NPN transistors. He tried gutting the thing and shoving a Boss SD-1 board inside, but that didn’t work out. I've verified the layout and put it in a 1590a using 2N5550 transistors. by maz » April 11th, 2014, 12:31 am . The BC108, for example, which I have seen specified in many old schematics for the silicon Fuzz Face, might have a gain of anywhere from 80 to over 200 depending on what factory made it and when. I don´t have any idea about whats possible to going on! Germanium is a chemical element with symbol Ge and atomic number 32, that’s used as a semiconductor in transistors and diodes, popping up in a few classic effects like the early period Arbiter Fuzz Face, the storied Dallas Rangemaster and … I ended up breadboarding it and playing with mods. For this, you just need to connect the black wire of the 9V clip to the -9V pad on the PCB and red wire to the ring of the jack, as indicated in the figure. NTE (or ECG) 101, 102, 158. Level 3; Posts: 674; Fuzz Face change from NPN to PNP Ge? I had this same problem and fixed with some mods. "1967 Fuzz Face" Jimi at Monterey Q1=NPN Ge Q2=NPN Ge C in=2.2uF C out=0.1uF. The addition of a charge pump on the input power, gives you the ability to daisy chain power to your PNP Positive ground pedal with all your other negative ground pedals! Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, SBE R5 – GGG R5 (may not be needed if you use R5T trimmer), Fuzz Face™ Ready-For-Transfer Printed Circuit Board Layout, FF5 Germanium Parts Layout and Wiring Diagram, FF5 Silicon Parts Layout and Wiring Diagram, FF5 Late 60’s Parts Layout and Wiring Diagram, FF5 Late 60’s NPN Parts Layout and Wiring Diagram, FF5 Early 70’s Parts Layout and Wiring Diagram, FF5 PNP Germanium with Charge Pump Instructions and Diagram. Been using an audio probe to debug, and no sound gets past the 100k resistor or the base of q1. Matched Pair BC108B LOW GAIN Silicon NPN Fuzz Face Guitar Effect Transistors $ 5.99. You can try increasing that resistor value, but I think something else is wrong with your build. Yet Another Fuzz Face. You can use any PNP Germanium Transistor in a fuzz face... IMO. Buy It Now. NPN Silicon Fuzz Face - Germanium Emulation From an older thread on FSB and DIYSB about using two pairs of piggybacked silicon transistors to have control over the gain. A Bias control is useful and makes the pedal a lot more versatile, giving you a much greater range of fuzz tones. Thanks again... hello this pedal is of positive or negative mass? Each has specific colour and texture, to be discovered and exploited in neo-classic fuzz. Click the link below for a soundclip of "Settings" 1 through 6 listed above. Fuzz Face Analysis. ADY11, 13, 20 … Small power transistors, for slow switching,. The Legendary Silicon Transistors used in the Famous Fuzz Faze Pedal (Silicon Version). They are common technologies still easy to find nowadays. Bill of Materials is the same as the “Late 60’s Bill of Materials above. The Fuzz Face also attracted a number of clones even in the Golden Age. imalone Frets: 739 . Here's pics of my build: Copyright © 2016 All rights reserved.. Even direct to the clean amp and with the effect off you can hear a slightly hum.What could be the problem?I'll really apreciate your opinion. Any ideas why? 2N3904's are pretty widely used in the DIY community also. 1. First build, just wanted to say thank you for this excellent layout. I've read changing the 330r to a 1.2k will boost the output volume. You might need to adjust the value of the 8.2k resistor or even increase the value of the 330ohm resistor. His resistor designations (R2, etc) are not the same as the designations on these projects. I've breadboarded many … It came as an NPN silicon circuit with BC209 transistors, and after 30 years of component drift it sounded downright horrible. Someone can say me whats going on with my project? They are not used anymore because they are considered … this pedal has 3 of OC75 glass tube transistors. Might just be a biasing issue. To keep things straightforward, I’m starting with a NPN silicon transistor Fuzz Face that can be powered using a standard supply. Also, in a subsequent build of a Silicon Fuzz Face, I tried high-gain 2N5088 transistors rather than searching for the low gain 2N2222 I had used earlier. Build an authentic ’60s-style DIY Fuzz Face — at ’60s-style prices! Fuzz Face Circuit. And just adjust the trimmer till is sounds good. Double check for shorts or cold solder joints and try this out:http://www.diystompboxes.com/pedals/debug.html. BC108's are a safe too. The answer is a resounding NO unless there is something new to be offered that gives this tired old device some new life.. One of the problems with the fuzzface circuit is that the best sound comes from germanium transistors, which are difficult to find, often leaky and vary in character with temperature changes. There is also a bit of sputter when I first play notes. Cheap and the gain is usually pretty uniform. The B is probably good. https://effectslayouts.blogspot.com/2014/11/npn-fuzz-face.html I have the same trouble, I check the build and it's correct, I'm using bc108A. To paraphrase, these were the main points: 1. Fuzz Face Original Version (PNP) Components To use a PNP Fuzz Face with a normal 9V power supply, you need to include the power inverter section which is C1, C8, C9, D1 and IC1 which is generates the -9V required. Thanks! I want to try a couple sets of Germanium PNP but not sure of one thing: If I replace the NPNs with PNPs and make sure that the E B and C connect to the same pts as the leads on the NPNs, can I just reverse the Plus and … But not all the Fuzz Faces sound the same, in the old days, players sorted through dozens of pedals at a time to find the best sounding fuzz … Built this with BC108 transistors both very close to 260 hfe. The BC108 sounds amazing and the number of sounds you can get with a bias pot on Q2 is just awesome. The Dallas-Arbiter Fuzz Face has been around since 1966, and it shows no signs of dying any time soon. You should be able to, yes. I'm getting into DIY guitar pedals and want this one to be my first :P (bunch of parts comming soon). I just love fuzz face tones :)I'm aware this is a noobish question but where is 'Out' on the layout? You may need to play with the resistor value going to the collector of Q2. Fuzz Face Fuzz Does the Fuzz Face really need an introduction? Is just the way it works or am I did something wrong? Check out the Transfer Image Library page for pre-scaled PDFs of every PCB transfer image on the site. Furthermore, I were interested to find the smoothest fuzz setting i found was with an ultra low gain in Q1 (8Hfe) and a 150-250hfe in Q2, now I have my head around this a little more i can think of the best way to show the characteristics of transistor Changes in a silicon Fuzz Face. Ivor Arbiter took the round shaped enclosure idea from a microphone stand and it was the first pedal including a … The Fuzz Face Resistors: The original models use 1/2W carbon film resistors. Most of the BC108 fuzz faces use 108C transistors, which have a higher hFE. AC176 Germanium NPN transistor fuzz face/stompbox Tungsram tested $ 2.1. http://monsterpiecefuzz.com/ "The Monsterpiece NPN Fuzz is the Monsterpiece that started it all. The Fuzz Face Caps: The original FF uses standard aluminum electrolytic capacitors for the 2.2uF and 20uF values and a film for the 10nF cap. This is my demo of the Monsterpiece NPN Fuzz! Blog, I’m sharing a vero board layout I created from Jack Orman’s brilliant “negative ground PNP Fuzz” circuit. This kind of resistors was extensively used on vintage audio equipment. Even though positive-ground hasn’t been used much since the ’60s, you still encounter many new PNP Fuzz Faces, mainly because there’s a much greater supply of vintage PNP transistors. Si / TO-18 / NPN / 300mW / 20V / 100mA / 150MHz / Hfe 420 min. This analysis covers the first Arbitrer Fuzz Face model equipped with PNP germanium transistors from the first releases which are considered the best sounding. Blue and Red are custom-built examples of the two different classic versions of the Fuzz Face. Tie the BASES together, 3. Today, both the Dallas Arbiter and Fuzz Face trademarks are owned by Dunlop Manufacturing Inc. Monsterpiece knows how to do fuzz and are reasonably priced. It’s all I have at the moment. If you're keeping the bias control internally, I would worry about adding a series resistor. 10x Vintage BC108C Silicon Fuzz Face Effect Transistors NPN 300mW 20V 100mA. For example you can use carbon resistors instead of metal film, however it is possible that changing these components might alter the sound slightly. If so, do you think it would be worth me whacking a 100R in series with the 10k trimmer? In stompbox lore, the Fuzz Face Distortion sits among the icons. It uses a PNP germanium transistor paired with an NPN silicon, allowing it … This pedal can only be powered by one 9 … Sili-Face. Messages 2,768. Thank you man!!! Go here for a cool Fuzz Face project with different transistor combinations: The Multi-Face I've created scaled PDFs of every layout on the blog. BC108's are a safe too. American "Replacement" Types. Any tips? I built my demo model on perfboard, and simplified it even further. It's driving me crazy! $8.99 + shipping. ... PNP vs. NPN. [Collector] [Leakage] [Gain] A103 1440 640 88.89 No it doesn't. My friend’s dad picked up this Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face new in 1976. Easily found at Radio Shite. Condition: New – Open box. Red is an NPN version with high gain Silicon transistors. Powered by. For this very first post in my new D.I.Y. Location: Bulgaria. NPN Silicon Fuzz Face by maz » April 11th, 2014, 12:31 am The Fuzz Face, first issued in 1966 by Arbiter Electronics Ltd, is probably the most famous fuzz used by many guitarists like Jimi Hendrix, David Gilmour, Jack White from The White Stripes, Dan Auerbach from The Black Keys and many more. The Fuzz Face also attracted a number of clones even in the Golden Age. Due to these tolerances in gain varying so wildly, it’s very rare that you’ll ever find two transistor fuzz pedals that sound identical unless the creator has painstakingly used the exact same values for their transistors across all their pedals. It is important to thoroughly read all instructions before you start building. Sometimes Hfe is not important, your ears will tell you this. Here is the cross reference: If you have a common power supply to power your pedals, the negative ground version will work with your other pedals on a common power supply. I had also seen much written about the complexities of proper biasing and transistor selection, which made the Fuzz Face a bit more more daunting for me, still a relative novice. Wiring for PNP transistors (Positive ground): It is stronly suggested to power the PNP Fuzz Face only with a 9V battery and avoid the DC connector. 2.2 Components Part List / Bill of … I've owned and tried quite a few others through the years but the only one I still have is the NPN. I just did this build. I prefer, for more usable range of "biasing" and external knob, use b5k in series with a 5k1 resistor. Monsterpiece knows how to do fuzz and are reasonably priced. Traditionally the 470R resistor is a 330R with a silicon Fuzz Face but it's not going to make that much difference. Traditionally, the classic fuzz face has a gain range of 70-85 for the first transistor and 120-140 for the second transistor. Unless you know what you're doing and have a positive ground PSU, you should use all these components, otherwise omit them and solder a jumper between J1 and J2. Would you like a Ready to Solder Circuit Board for this project? Yes — just google “fuzz face negative ground PNP schematic” and “fuzz face negative ground NPN … Additionally, a common complaint of Silicon Fuzz Face builders is the circuit is often susceptible to radio frequencies (RF). ive tried a couple differrent transistors recommended here and elsewhere to no effect. o meu 4001 esquenta muito ,,, porque sera dai tirei ... (mas o pedal ta funcionando). The bypass works fine, but when the circuit is on, it just work with effect per 1 second, and no effect, and one second with the effect on, effect off, effect on. Japanese. $8.41 + shipping. The problem is similar with any of the other NPN silicon devices that are commonly substituted for it. It enjoys the most enduring reputation probably due to Jimi Hendrix use and abuse of this pedal. I had to flip the PCB around in the enclosure. If you want to build a Germanium Transistor version, get your transistor set from Small Bear Electronics LLC and use the resistor values that he sends with the transistors. Recent production NPN Ge is, simply put, a hell of a lot quieter than … It has undergone several transformations over the years, and I think that the current version is the definitive version. But you can get a "ballpark" tone of the Fuzz face. 2N3904's are pretty widely used in the DIY community also. thx, https://i.imgur.com/WPErScL.jpgmatched 2N2222's TO18 and 10k bias pot.Sounds amazing. They're organized by manufacturer, so look in the Dallas Arbiter folder. Some general purpose transistors can be successfully tested : SFT107, 108, 128 … In the core of the characteristics. This is especially true of ‘holy grail’ … NPN Complete Circuit 3PDT Wiring: PNP Complete Circuit 3PDT Wiring: Complete Circuit DPDT Wiring: Wiring for Input Jack Battery and Power Switching -A variants of BC transistors are lower gain. by maz » April 11th, 2014, 12:31 am . To paraphrase, these were the main points: 1. This Fuzz Face Distortion is constructed to vintage specs, featuring the original Germanium PNP transistor design for a rich, creamy fuzz sound. 8. It was relevant to both silicon and germanium - which are the same circuit - making … The original board-mounted pot version is ideal for the simplest way to build a NPN version, or a PNP build that can't be daisy-chained for power. For NPN silicon I like to use 2N2222A's (TO-18 package)for a few pedals I build. This diagram is for the Germanium Transistor version, but the jumper is the same for the NPN Silicon Transistor version. I've decided to try make one, soooooI 've made this one (with a battery) however there is a problem. Hot, intense, BOG all the way. Picture Information. NPN Silicon Fuzz Face. The 108B will work, but you might have to adjust the resistors going to the collectors of each transistor to bias them correctly. As soon as I flipped the pcb around and got some separation all of the excess noise stopped. can anybody help me out ? But |vM, you think that going over 10k might help further? I have tried everything... used it with a 9v battery, with the 1spot, tried on the breadboard, on the enclosure... the sound just dond't go away. Suitable for small boosters, or low-gain Fuzz Face used as overdrive. Npn, in the same middle frequency range. Warranty Information. The Roger Mayer Axis Fuzz is but one commercial example of this technique; the Harmonic Percolator is another. Since I prefer to control the gain from the guitar, I replaced the gain knob with a board-mounted 1k trimpot. The Germanium Transistor version and The NPN Silicon Transistor version layouts both have a 10k trimmer (R5T) that is not shown in the schematic. Take two identical random silicon transistors (for more mojo: your fav fuzz … Jul 16, 2019 #27 fulltone 70... together with the 69 and … Traditionally, the classic fuzz face has a gain range of 70-85 for the first transistor and 120-140 for the second transistor. stupid me... you use it as a variable resistor, Hi friends...How can I find the transfer image? P.S. That's what happens when you skim read to suit. MП39Б and MП40A can be perfect in Hi-gain 3 transistors fuzzboxes (in 2d as in 3d position) MП20A et Б, MП21A et Д, MП41A, MП42Б… 60-120 gain , perfect for classic fuzzboxes. For this, you just need to connect the black wire of the 9V clip to the -9V pad on the PCB and red wire to the ring of the jack, as indicated in the figure. $7.99 Shipping. Just up the trimmer value to 20k. built this with BC108 and B1K for fuzz, No Sounds coming ! Thanks both for your helpful replies! As drawn it's for negative ground, but could be adapted for positive ground by reversing the polarity of any polarized components. dirtytony Member. For a long time I associated Mike Piera more as 'The King of Tone' with a view to his drive pedals, but he is even more active with his Fuzz pedals - carrying dozens of varieties of rare Germanium and Silicon transistors and offering special options on his various fuzz … BC183L Matched Pair Fuzz Face Transistors. Other options would be 2N2369, 2N5550, even 2N3904. Noddy newbie question, but if I put a 10k trimmer in that spot, do I just connect two of the legs in and leave the third, or does the third leg need to go somewhere in the circuit? If you don’t want to use the trimmer, here is the Fuzz Face™, No Trimmer Diagram mentioned in the Instructions file. Thanks! June 2014. randomhandclaps said: imalone said: This is all very nice, but apparently the germanium one which most of the discussion focuses on is fine. history. Easily found at Radio Shite. (Read 1515 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. For NPN silicon I like to use 2N2222A's (TO-18 package)for a few pedals I build. I'm debating whether to buy some PNP transistors for this build or whether to stick with NPNs I have. The addition of a GRIT control lets you dial in tones that range from smooth to choppy, recreating many of the elusive fuzz sounds that Jimi got on his later live recordings. This can use silicon or germanium NPN transistors with excellent results. Wiring for PNP transistors (Positive ground): It is stronly suggested to power the PNP Fuzz Face only with a 9V battery and avoid the DC connector. Hey Man! Note: If you buy the kit, the Ready-to-Solder Printed Circuit Board (RTS PCB) is included in the kit. Wiring for NPN transistors (Negative ground) smackoj. You may be having biasing issues. The Legendary Silicon Transistors used in the Famous Fuzz Faze Pedal (Silicon Version). Having trouble scaling a PCB transfer image? 2013/10/16. The store sent me a new pair of transistor, but same weird behavior. Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face NPN Silicon Transistors Negative Ground Boutique Late 60's PNP Germanium Transistors Positive Ground Boutique Early 70's NPN Silicon Transistors Negative Ground Easy Face PNP 1 - Si & 1 - Ge Transistor Positive Ground Any 5 of these versions can be built on the same PCB! MП39Б and MП40A can be perfect in Hi-gain 3 transistors fuzzboxes (in 2d as in 3d position) MП20A et Б, MП21A et Д, MП41A, MП42Б… 60-120 gain , perfect for classic fuzzboxes. You do not need to purchase this Ready to Solder Circuit Printed Board if you buy the kit. All … The Fuzz Face is a distortion guitar pedal designed in London by Arbitrer Electronics Ltd in the autumn of 1966. I built this project with the same values components. Lovely site!. Blue is a PNP version with medium/low gain Germanium transistors. The component legs are pushed through pre-drilled holes and soldered together on the reverse of the board.
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