The tables decennales (1793-1902), military registrations and cadastral maps are available online. Global search allows you to search for keywords, such as names, but please note that most of these records (e.g. The municipality of Saint-Etienne, in the department of Loire, has many of their records online, including archives paroissiaux, registres paroissiaux, registres d'etat civil and the cadastre napoleonien. The majority are from the departments of Pas de Calais, Somme and Nord, but many other departments are represented as well. - cadastre napoléonien - plans de la province de Languedoc - compoix - cartes postales - affiches ... Sur le cadastre informatisé un espace entre ces deux numero a disparu. Some of the records have even been indexed and allow you to search by name. ThoughtCo. She teaches at the Genealogical Institute of Pittsburgh and the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. The Rennes municipal archives has census records, etat civil and registres paroissiaux for the city of Rennes, located in the department of Ille-et-Vilaine. Access is free but registration is required to view record details. Explore parish and civil registers of birth, marriage and death (through 1883), as well as the tables decennales (through 1902) online through the archives. On ne peut pas compter les bases de données recensant telle ou telle catégorie de personnes. Explore tables decennales (10 year indexes of births, marriages and deaths), cadastres napoleoniens and charts of the abbey of Clairvaux, plus registres de recrutement militaire (records of military recruitment). Getty / Hiroshi Higuchi / Digital Vision. The site offers free online access to civil registrations, parish records, census returns and military recruitment lists. Nineteenth century cadastral maps, plus the tables décennales de l’état civil (10-year vital records indexes) are currently online, with plans to eventually add the parish and civil registers, as well as census records. The acts of birth, marriage and death for over 100 years (etat civil) in Cannes (located in Alpes-Maritimes) are available for research online through the Cannes municipal archives. Over 2 million user-contributed civil and parish records are available online through the French site, plus subscription-based access to additional records, including civil and parish registers, digitized books and additional French genealogy sources. Best Genealogy Websites for Researching Irish Ancestors, German Genealogy Online Databases and Records, Records of Births, Marriages and Deaths in Germany, Online Databases for French-Canadian Ancestry, 19 Places to Research Your Family Tree for Free, Australia: Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, Ain (01) - Archives Départementales de l'Ain, Alpes de Haute Provence (04) - Archives Départementales, Hautes-Alpes (05) - Archives Départementales, Alpes-Maritimes (06) - Les Archives Departementales, Outils de Recherche et Archives Numérisées, Aveyron (12) - Les Archives Départementales, Bouches-du-Rhône (13) - Archives Départementales, Charente (16) - Les Archives départementales, Charente-Maritime (17) - Archives Départementales, Cher (18) - Archives départementales et patrimoine du Cher, Côtes d'Armor (22) - Archives Departementales, Eure-et-Loir (28) - Archives d'Eure-et-Loir, Finistère (29) - Les Archives départementales, Haute-Garonne (31) - Archives Départementales, Gers (32) - Archives départementales du Gers, Rennes (35) - Archives municipales de Rennes, Indre (36) - Archives Départementales de l'Indre, Saint Etienne (42) - Archives Municipales de Saint-Etienne, Loire-Atlantique (44) - Archives de Loire Atlantique, Moselle (57) - Service départemental d'Archives, Pas-de-Calais (62) - Archives Départementales, Haute-Saone (70) - Archives Départementales de la Haute-Saône, Val-d'Oise (95) - Archives Départementales, Certificate in Genealogical Research, Boston University. Digitized record copies are not yet available from all localities. Registration is required, but access is entirely free. France genealogy research is fairly easy to conduct online, with plenty of digitized records and genealogical databases available for viewing, browsing and searching on the Internet. Kimberly Powell is a professional genealogist and the author of The Everything Guide to Online Genealogy. Under Outils de Recherche et Archives Numérisées, you can access indexes to some of these records, including immigration (1880-1935), Nice baptisms (1814-1860) and Nice marriages (1814-1860), plus census and some notarial records. The archives of Alpes-Maritimes, which includes the city of Nice, offers online access to the actes d'etat civil and old newspapers (la presse ancienne). Digitized parish and civil records are also available, but you'll need to select one of several paid subscription options for access. To comply with regulations on the reuse of public information, you will be required to create a (free) account prior to accessing the records. If you don't read French, then a basic French genealogy word list, such as this one available from FamilySearch, can help you to recognize the key terms and make sense of many of these genealogical documents. Follow the link for "Accès direct.". The Tables Decennales are online for most communes in Creuse, and registres of naissances (births), mariages (marriages) and décès (deaths) are online for some communities. civil records of birth, marriage and death) have not been indexed and will not appear in the list of results -- you still have to search them manually. The Cadastre Ancien (land register) is also available. Parish and civil records are online, digitized primarily from FHL microfilm created by the Genealogical Society of Utah in the 1970s. Vital and church records for over 500 municipalities and parishes of Gironde are available for access online. Ariège does not yet have their civil records of birth, marriage, and death online, but a 2-year project to digitize and make the records available online is expected to be completed by the end of 2014. The decennial tables (10-year-indexes) of civil registers (1802-1892) as well as the ancient cadastral maps are currently available online. Retrieved from Not all records have yet been digitized. The department of Gard (30) does not yet have any genealogical records online. The registres paroissiaux (parish registers) of Côtes d'Armor have been digitized and made available for online browsing. Vital records online include the decennial tables, as well as civil records and parish registers to1902 for all municipalities except Brive-la-Gaillarde (which will be online later). 491 O-SUPPL GG/5: Adon: Baptêmes, mariages, sépultures : registres paroissiaux (1) (1710-1719) (1) Contient en particulier l'acte de mariage d'Henry-Pierre-Alexandre Dumottet, seigneur d'Arthe, et de Louise de Gadois, fille de Michel de Gadois, seigneur de La Motte d'Adon, et de Marie de Launay (21 juin 1718). Photographs and postcards, plus 4+ million digitized pages of registres paroissiaux and etat civil (parish and civil records). This well-organized website offers free, online access to a variety of helpful genealogical records, including civil and parish registrations, census records, military conscriptions, and pregnancy declarations. They also have the vital records (actes des naissances, mariages et décès), parish registers (registres paroissiaux), Protestant registrations, land records, military records, censuses, and plans cadastraux available for online consultation. Généalogistes pro et créations d'arbres, Catastrophes naturelles, épidémies et autres calamités, Archives des Alpes de Haute-Provence (04), Archives de Saint-Pierre et Miquelon (975), Archives municipales d'Aix-en-Provence (13), Archives municipales d'Antibes Juan-les-Pins (06), Archives municipales d'Aubervilliers (93), Archives municipales de Bourg-en-Bresse (01), Archives municipales de Brive-la-Gaillarde (19), Archives municipales de Cagnes-sur-Mer (06), Archives municipales de Châtenay-Malabry (92), Archives municipales de Gennevilliers (92), Archives municipales de La-Roche-sur-Yon (85), Archives municipales de Le Bois-Plage-en-Ré (17), Archives municipales de Montbéliard (25), Archives municipales de Romans-sur-Isère (07), Archives municipales de Rueil-Malmaison (92), Archives municipales de Saint-Brieuc (22), Archives municipales de Saint-Etienne (42), Archives municipales de Valenciennes (59), Archives municipales de Vitry sur Seine (94), Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Déportation, Les guillotinés de la Révolution Française, Prisonniers de la Première Guerre Mondiale, Théâtre français sous l'Ancien Régime, Tableau d'Honneur des Ãlectriciens et Gaziers - 1914-1918, Radiation des émigrés de la Révolution, Généalogie des Français d'Amérique du Nord, Naturalisations en Algérie, au Maroc et en Tunisie. The cadastral maps (land registry) is expected to follow. Consult vital records, parish registers, census records, indexes and postcards online - état-civil, registres paroissiaux, tables décennales (> 1792) et annuelles (registres paroissiaux), cadastre napoléonien, rencensements de 1836 à 1906 and cartes postales. Digitized newspapers from Meurthe and Vosges can be found online here. The civil and church records of Toulouse are online at the municipal archives, rather than the departmental archives of Haute-Garrone (see the previous entry). Civil and parish records from 1792 to 1900 (still in progress for some municipalities), plus the decennial tables and cadastre napoléonien. French departments across the country have digitized and made available a variety of records on their websites, including such records as French birth, marriage and death records ( actes etat civil ), French census records ( recensements de population ) and French parish registers ( registres paroissiaux ). 106 talking about this. Includes état-civil (1792 - 1872), recensements (1836 - 1906), table des registres matricules and Cadastre napoléonien. Archives en ligne Pour votre généalogie, les archives en ligne Archives départementales. Decennial tables are also available. The website of the Aveyron archives offers free online access to parish and civil registrations of births, marriages, deaths, and burials, from the 16th to the end of the 19th century. Archives départementales de l'Indre-et-Loire . Browse census records for 1842 to 1872, plus land records, 19th century newspapers, and old postcard images of local villages. Online records also include the Cadastre napoléonien and historic postcards. Browse the tables decennales (10-year indexes) to find births, marriages and deaths from municipalities across the department, as well as census records. Civil registers (etat civil) and registres paroissiaux (parish registers) are searchable by name. Site internet du CG22 Forum de discussion du CG22 Contact Écrire au webmaster Portail à plat Cadastre Les plans de toutes les communes du département de la Sarthe sont disponibles en ligne du plan "Napoléonien" aux plans plus récents du XXème siècle. Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. A small number of births, baptisms, marriages, deaths and burials from the department of Nord are available for free online consultation. Archives de l'Ain (01): Registres paroissiaux, état civil,tables décennales, recensements, registres matricules, listes électorales, cadastre, cartes postales, presse ancienne Archives de l'Aisne (02): Registres paroissiaux, état civil, tables décennales, recensements, registres matricules, cadastre⦠Restez informé de toute l'actualité de Guide Généalogie. Both Catholic and Protestant parish registers have been color scanned from both available department and county archives and made available online to 1793 for almost 500 towns and villages in Moselle. Look under "Aides à la recherche" (Research Aids) for helpful research guides such as lists of documents that have been digitized, information on which records have been indexed, etc. Access parish and civil registrations from 1547 to 1872, as well as decennial tables (ten-year indexes of vital records) and census records from 1836–1906.
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