November 27, 2020. Help with sub DPS/burst support Beidou build. I may put her on a separate team or combining them in one for superconduct hell with Qiqi and Ganyu lol. Find Beidou build in Genshin Impact here including best weapons for Beidou from 3 star to 5 star, best artifact set, and best build as an electro DPS. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. News, guides et astuces Genshin Impact - Genshin Impact – Build Beidou – Artefacts, Armes et compétences Publié par Sansa le 14/11/2020 à 16:11 - Mise à jour 21 janvier 2021 à 12:26. Close.*xMxXJdNbCCZ-v9FLVh6EXg#. If you love Beidou, then get her to C4 when you get the chance. Lorsque vous relâchez la compétence, Beidou contre-attaque, infligeant des DGT Électro qui augmentent considérablement si Beidou reçoit des dégâts lorsqu'elle a son bouclier actif, cumulable 2 fois. That’s all you need to do, take two hits from enemy attacks no matter how much damage they deal and unleash the strongest counter-attack. Son affinité Electro permet aussi plusieurs synergies intéressante en combat, qui lui … by Gobelyn. Tartaglia Stats, Talents, Ascension Materials, And Ranking, Zhongli Stats, Talents, Ascension Materials, And Ranking, Albedo Stats, Talents, Ascension Materials, And Ranking, Ganyu Stats, Talents, Ascension Materials, And Ranking, Keqing Strategy And Build Guide In Genshin Impact, Daily Artifact Exp Farming Route In Genshin Impact, Cor Lapis Locations And Farming Route In Genshin Impact, Crimson Agate Locations And Map Guide In Genshin Impact, Crystal Chunk Locations And Farming Route In Genshin Impact, Artifacts And Material Farming Guide In Genshin Impact. Without the usual boosting of her normal attacks through talents and Gladiators set, you pretty much want to build her critical rating, damage, and if possible energy recharge so she can trigger her bursts more often but then also deliver devastating counter-attacks. STAYS WHEN YOU SWAP CHARACTERS (which is why she can also be a great electro support!). I use Beidou C1 to support my DPS Kaeya C2 Similar with you, i also build her with Energy Recharge since i have a lot of Exile Set. This Beidou build focuses on improving damage power to the next level! Le but de Beidou dans Genshin Impact avec son build DPS est de proposer personnage capable de faire de gros dégâts tout en se protégeant. She can be easily fitted into nearly any team combination thanks to her very valuable burst which not only protects teammates but also gives better interruption resistance from enemy attacks. My Beidou swings 1.7k phys (on the low end) and ALMOST 20k electro full counter, I should hit the 20k mark very soon. Ningguang 4 piece archaic petra also works really well because elcectro shield from crystallize will give electro dmg boost. The Gladiator’s Finale will power up your normal attacks which are crucial for those characters who take upon the burden of the main damage dealer. So if you’re ever in the mood of producing tons of big damage numbers and also cause electrocharged mayhem on every enemy you come in contact then he is going to be her pirate in crime. Rekomendasi Weapon dan Build Beidou. However, if you are looking to build her CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG, then Serpent Spine and Blackcliff Slasher could be a better choice. However, most of the time, you can pretty much use it immediately once the cooldown is refreshed. Updated December 30, 2020 PSA #1: A DPS is the captain of a pirate crew. I have favonius claymore and plan on building her with at least 220 ER, the question is at that level of ER would the energy refill quickly, just realy want her for those electrocharged rxn. She is also surprisingly good as your main damage dealer although it does take a bit more resources to get her up on the same level compared to someone like Razor who naturally has a better ascension stat which goes into physical damage rather than the electro damage bonus that Beidou has. Superconduct does a bit of damage in an AoE and reduces the enemy’s physical resistance by 40%. Read on to know about the best Electro DPS build for Beidou. Among those, Beidou has some unique abilities which makes her stand out from the others. Inflige des DGT Électro aux ennemis en face. Facebook Twitter 0 Commentaires Genshin Impact est un RPG solo qui se joue également en mode multijoueurs, un jeu qui fait un carton et qui dispose d'une grande quantité de … A few of the characters that synergize but they’re extremely well would be Xingqiu whose burst is nearly identical to Beidou. Here’s the best Beidou build in Genshin Impact. to taking damage, so her ultimate reduces damage taken and also dishes damage while you normal/charged attack. I won't go in detail about her kit since it's pretty straight forward. 1 min. Beidou Quick TL;DR DPS Build Guide. 3. Il en va de même pour la Brisure d’orage qui offre également un complément de dégâts non négligeable. Le but de Beidou dans Genshin Impact avec son build DPS est de proposer personnage capable de faire de gros dégâts tout en se protégeant. And if you’re just starting out you can always use the Debate Club of highest refinement until you can get your hands on a better rarity weapon. And of course, throwing in any of the cryo characters especially someone like Qiqi or Diona will help you out with triggering Superconduct for stronger physical attacks if you’re going to use Beidou as your main damage dealer. It helps to think that you’re trying to synchronize your attacks with the enemy by trying to land your own attack at the same time. Genshin Impact Klee In-Depth Guide. Sure, you can use her Tidecaller skill to apply Electro-element around her, but it's much better if you make her as a main DPS, since that skill can one-shot mobs if you can timing it right using her perfect-counter + the right equipments. DESTROY ALL YOUR ENEMIES WITH THIS BEIDOU BUILD | GENSHIN IMPACT GUIDE. So we've established that Beidou has a great big claymore, formidable Electro attacks, and a very high ATK stat. The 2 dont work well together. This will give you a 10 second window of increased damage from your normal and charged attacks. The lightning bolt that jumps between attacks is a great thing to use either with her as your main damage dealer or boosting some other character’s damage in your team. If you love Beidou, then get her to C4 when you get the chance. February 21, 2021 0. Just keep in mind that the shield can only absorb a limited amount of hits before it automatically releases the holding state. She’s rocking an all 5-star gladiator, electro dmg goblet, with Prototype. I was thinking of any good support for Childe and ngl Beidou comes first in my mind. Now if you’re going to use Beidou as your support character, The Rainslasher is definitely one of those few very specific weapons you can take advantage of, and then there’s always the Sacrificial or Favonious Greatsword which can boost your energy recharge for faster burst activations. How do I get it D: ? Inflige des DGT Électro aux ennemis en face. BEIDOU BECOMES A SUPPORT GOD WITH THIS BUILD! October 2, 2020. I vouch for Beidou supporting Childe. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. While pirates are known for robbing people, Beidou is surprisingly good at stealing your heart with her charming playstyle and awesome ability to counter enemy attacks. This of course goes without saying that any of the five-star claymores you unlock will be insanely good for her. Il en va de même pour la Brisure d’orage qui offre également un complément de dégâts non négligeable. All the aforementioned four-stars are some of the best support characters in the game. Luckily, if you’re going to use her as your main damage dealer then you can always depend on the blacksmith to craft you the trusty Prototype Archaic which can carry you through any of the content if you’re out of luck with the weapons from the Gacha system. There are a few options you can go for if you’re using her as your main damage dealer and the first one will be the easiest recommendation of Gladiator’s Finale full 4 set bonus followed by Thundering Fury and Bloodstained Chivalry mixed with two set bonuses. 1 post 0. And this finally brings us to her artifacts when you’re using her as a support. While obtaining the full set bonus with good sub stats and main stats is a challenging task, you can always rely on the second option of at least getting the two-set bonuses of Thundering Fury and Bloodstained Chivalry which will give you a nice spread of increased damage for both physical and electro attacks. I got 2 5 stars after making Ning my main and I still have my Ning as main. PSA #1: A DPS is the captain of a pirate crew. The important thing you need to understand about her elemental skill is that it becomes a stronger attack if you either take two hits from any incoming enemy attacks or if you’re able to perfectly time it the moment you’re about to get hit. Kami merekomendasikan pilihan weapon yang sama untuk main dps dan support dps build, yang membedakan kedua build ada pada bagian artefaknya. Best Beidou Builds. But that’s where the comparison ends because she has a completely different playstyle compared to the lonely wolf boy. It?s time to roll boys (gacha). Mi recomendación es que si quieres un Support Electro mejor tires de Fischl, pero vamos allá de todos modos; hay que decir de todos modos que esa ulti que tiene nos va a venir de lujo para potenciar el daño, un poco la supervivencia y sobretodo para crear montones de reacciones elementales. PS. Level Keqing to maybe 50 and devote some time to her to see how well she fits with what you like. It depends on if you have the resources to get Keqing up and running and weapon options. Beidou est une combattante qui utilise une épée à deux mains, et est donc parfaite pour lutter contre plusieurs ennemis en même te;ps ou infliger des dégâts lourds à un boss. Genshin Impact Beidou Build Guide, Check Out Beidou's Best Electro DPS Build Genshin Impact keeps growing in popularity with a large number of new players constantly joining. Idk how well ER compares to more damage support beidou, but go for it, give it a shot~ doesn’t really hurt much, Yes, it will refill quickly if you proc alot of elemental but there's still 20s cooldown so it isnt exactly spamable. Het Beidou-navigatiesysteem is een project van de Volksrepubliek China om een onafhankelijk satellietnavigatiesysteem te ontwerpen. There’s also the full Thundersoother set which is only recommended if you can get very good sub stats on the artifacts. Beidou grants a 20% stamina reduction when swimming to the entire party. DESTROY ALL YOUR ENEMIES WITH THIS BEIDOU BUILD | GENSHIN IMPACT GUIDE. Genshin Impact; Ultimate F2P Beidou Guide | Genshin Impact. beidou support build. Cookies help us deliver our Services. With four pieces equipped, Beidou's Normal Attack DMG is boosted by 35% since she uses claymores in battle. Comment jouer Beidou ? Make sure to help your captain or walk the plank (it’s cause Beidou is a pirate) PSA #2: Both Beidou’s abilities scale off ATK, but her E … Genshin Impact The Four Combat Roles Guide. Should I work on Keqing as main dps or Beidou is better? Beidou is a electro focused character and Xinyan is a physical DPS support. I vouch for Beidou supporting Childe. Beidou is de Chinese naam van het sterrenbeeld Grote Beer.Met Beidou wordt meestal de eerste generatie (Beidou-1) bedoeld. Find Beidou build in Genshin Impact here including best weapons for Beidou from 3 star to 5 star, best artifact set, and best build as an electro DPS. Press J to jump to the feed. Build de Beidou Support. Beidou is an Electro character in the game of Genshin Impact who has well-balanced attack and defense stats. Meningkatkan ATK sebesar 20/25/30/35/40%. Beidou can be your main DPS or your secondary DPS support for the team. Best Genshin Impact Beidou build. Beidou is a character in Genshin Impact. This will give you a 10 seconds of increased damage on your normal and charged attacks. They just tell their crewmates what to do so their job gets easier. The easiest recommendation would be a full set of Noblesse Obliged that more or less gives a lot of value for triggering her burst. ER build is a safe bet on her, also low cost too. Guide includes skills and build, how to get Beidou, best weapon, voice actor, best artifacts, ascend materials, & talents! And now that Zhongli got buffed, you can pair him together with her and utilize the 20% reduced enemy resistance from the Jade shield that will let you end up with even nastier counter attacks. There’s nothing scarier than Beidou’s ultimate counter-attack and the only question that remains is how will you build her? Wolf's Gravestone Home Tags Support beidou build. ... Any catalyst user is also really good with beidou support especially against flying enemy because there's no need to aim. In essence, there’s not that much difference between the two roles Beidou can be fitted in. Beidou can also act as a tank too, for example when Fatui Anemoboxer is trying to whoop your ass with his charges attack or anemo blast, you quickly switch to Beidou then hold E. Edit: thanks for the downvote but I've seen this*xMxXJdNbCCZ-v9FLVh6EXg# under the *4 section. February 8, 2021. About Us | Contact Us | Cookie Policy | Privacy Policy | TOS. September 30, 2020. But Beidou wasn't built for support, and she's more suitable as a main DPS character like Razor, where her skills doesn't carry over to other characters. GENSHIN IMPACT! February 21, 2021 0. I also pulled Keqing on my pity as well, I find her playstyle also fun but not as fun as Beidous. Anyway thanks for the input dood, will definitely build beidou with ER, electro, EM and will get back to you, Nah I think you’re on the right track here. But if you’re not able to get good artifact pieces of this set, you can instead go for the two set bonuses of Thundersoother and Gladiator’s Finale which gives a nice boost to her support damage. As the title says, i have childe as mu main and plan on building beidou just for ult spam. Genshin Impact Beidou DPS Build Guide. Genshin Impact Beidou Build Guide, Check Out Beidou's Best Electro DPS Build Genshin Impact keeps growing in popularity with a large number of new players constantly joining. Read More Search Recent Posts. Weapon: Wolf’s Gravestone. The final thing to prioritize would be her talent which goes without saying if you use her as your main damage dealer, obviously, focus on her normal attack and if she’s only there to support then you definitely want to level up her burst as much as possible. Memiliki role DPS dan Support, Beidou bisa menghasilkan damage yang OP dengan menggunakan build Beidou berikut ini. If you’re looking to build up her critical rating or damage for those huge numbers, going after Serpent Spine or Blackcliff Slasher will help you out in the long run. Beidou Best Weapon. I was thinking of any good support for Childe and ngl Beidou comes first in my mind. It is cruel but it is the truth. Avec son Invocation des marées elle limite fortement le besoin de soigneur dans l’équipe. Genshin Impact Spiral Abyss Guide. I think electro charge comp is viable on childe, everybody and their mother is focusing on building vaporize comps on him saying xiangling is best BUTT what they dont know is almost always childe will be the aura character and xiang will be the trigger resulting in meh dmg considering pyronado hits are shit. Comment. Beidou DPS Build. ER build is a safe bet on her, also low cost too. I don’t use beidou(no mats) but electro charge is pretty op right now in terms of damage over time. Comment jouer Beidou ? Posted by 1 month ago. Beidou's damage output spikes when perfectly timing the counterattack from her second skill, Tidecaller, after you've unlocked her 1st and 2nd passive talents. Beidou Builds. We call it the reactive build, in other words you need to focus on your your e-skill, to proc the reaction. Maintenir permet à Beidou d'utiliser son arme comme un bouclier proportionnel à ses PV max.
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