Cinq millions d'électeurs étaient attendus pour départager le président sortant Alpha Condé de son opposant de longue date Cellou Dalein Diallo. Everything you need to know about the 2020 US election. En Guinée, une élection présidentielle à haut risque Explication Ce pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest s’apprête à organiser le scrutin présidentiel, dimanche 18 octobre, dans un contexte tendu. On the other hand, there are two risks that threaten the electoral process in 2020. It seems you're from The Netherlands. [6] Berghezan, G., Panorama du Panorama du trafic de cocaïne en Afrique de l’Ouest, Brussels, Groupe d’Information de Recherche sur la Paix et la Sécurité, 2012, 16,, [7] For more information, please check the annual reports of the UNDP Global Rule of Law Programme. Alpha Condé remporte l'élection au premier tour avec 59,49 % . Guinée: Candidat à l’élection présidentielle 2020 Voici un candidat de conviction. Le 03/11/20 à 18:49. modifié 03/11/20 à 18:49. Feb 12. Hier un gouvernement d’après la promulgation de la nouvelle constitution a été annoncé à la télévision nationale RTG. [1] Bah, O., comment on `La difficile émergence d’institutions politiques en Guinée – Partie 1 : Le temps des leçons´ Gbassikolo, comment posted 11 January 2016, 21 octobre 2020 à 17:59 . Gender Data: Female Population: 1,459,274 (June 2020 est.) Présidentielle en Guinée. Guinea: Diallo says he won round one, election body says no Opposition leader declares victory before release of official results, but electoral authorities call statement ‘void’. De l'ouverture des bureaux de vote à leur clôture, retour sur la journée du premier tour de l'élection présidentielle en Guinée-Conakry, entre crispation, espoir démocratique et accusations d'irrégularités. In these circumstances, elections become a drawn-out and violent affair with further negative impacts on Guinea’s economy and social cohesion. In the past, presidential elections in Guinea have been characterised by massive frauds, boycotts, arrests and imprisonments. Présidentielle en Guinée : les esprits s'échauffent avant l'annonce des résultats officiels . Parliamentary elections were held in Guinea on 22 March 2020 alongside a constitutional referendum,[1][2][3] after being postponed four times from the original date of January 2019. By the time Alpha Condé came to power, the Guinean military had suffered through several decades of politicization and human resource degradation, arguably rendering it Africa’s least professional and non-operational force.[5]. Guinée-Présidentielle 2020 : voici les 12 candidatures enregistrées à la Cour Constitutionnelle (constat Guinéenews) Par. e Parliamentary elections were held in Guinea on 22 March 2020 alongside a constitutional … In the 2020 presidential election, President Trump and Vice President Pence will likely face a slew of Democratic candidates vying for the chance to challenge their bid for a second term. Présidentielle 2020 : Damantang Camara met en garde les candidats qui se hasarderont à publier les résultats. Election présidentielle en Guinée (direct 14102015) on Vimeo Join Les CACV (commissions administratives de centralisation des votes) de Nzérékoré, Labé, Siguiri, ont procédé à leur affichage ce mercredi 21 octobre 2020. As a result, the political system remains characterized by unilateralism, corruption and predation.[1]. Since its independence in 1958, Guinea has been trapped in a spiral of despotism under Ahmed Sékou Touré (1958-1984), and military rule embodied by Lansana Conté (1984-2008). Guinea's Conde Wins Presidency With 59.5% of Vote: Election Commission By Reuters , Wire Service Content Oct. 24, 2020 By Reuters , Wire Service Content Oct. 24, 2020… in Annonces 16 octobre 2020 1 Comment. iCalendar; Outlook; Google; Yahoo; Guinea. Après Dadis Camara, c’est peut-être autour de l’ancien Président de la transition guinéenne, le Général Sékouba Konaté, qui pourrait se lancer en politique. L’union du petit peuple de Guinée peut faire la différence lors de cette élection présidentielle en 2020.Afin,de favoriser l’alternance démocratique en Guinée.Surtout,lutter par les URNES ÉLECTORALES et avoir la copie de P.V. Facebook. See maps and real-time presidential election results for the 2020 US election. The issue surrounding the political participation of the Fulani will undoubtedly re-emerge in the next elections as there is a growing sentiment that it is their turn to take charge of the country. 24 octobre 2020 0 959 La CENI (Commission Electorale Nationale Indépendante) a déclaré ce samedi 24 octobre la victoire d’Alpha Condé à l’élection présidentielle dont le … Dépouillement des bulletins de vote de la présidentielle, dans le quartier de Bambeto, à Conakry, le 18 octobre 2020. In a similar vein, an attempt by Alpha Condé to amend the constitution to enable him to run for a third term, would undoubtedly trigger mass protests that could turn violent. Parliamentary elections were held in Guinea on 22 March 2020 alongside a constitutional referendum, after being postponed four times from the original date of January 2019.. 2020 sera donc une année décisive pour la survie de son parti. Mercredi 9 septembre 2020 à la Cour Constitution. Do not translate text that appears unreliable or low-quality. Mais de quel cadre parle-t-on ? The elections were boycotted by the main opposition parties. [4] For instance, Sékou Touré maintained the country for 26 years under a climate of fear and repression and forced an important part of the political, intellectual and economic elite to exile. Au terme de leur rencontre, ils se sont accordés sur la nécessité de formaliser le cadre de concertations mis en place au lendemain de l’élection présidentielle du 24 février 2019», informe un communiqué qui a sanctionné la rencontre. The FT 2020 results page displays US presidential, Senate and House races as called by the Associated Press.We categorise states into “expected” categories based on pre-election polls.States where the difference in poll numbers between Biden and Trump is more than 10 percentage points are classified as states we expect to be solidly in favour of one candidate. Guinea, a West-African country that has rarely made international headlines, found itself in the international spotlight in 2013 during the Ebola outbreak. WhatsApp. Find the latest news, photos and videos from the 2020 United States presidential election. As part of his daily talks on state television named “Dadis show”, Camara interrogated and obtained confessions from several high-level suspects of trafficking including the son of the former president Lansana Conté, the brother of the ex-first lady, and senior police, army and customs officials. the 2020 Presidential election . George W Bush attacks Trump’s ‘reckless’ leadership. [13] Personal interview, Diallo, M. The Hague, Netherlands, 27 September 2016. The extent of this was revealed in 2009 when Captain Dadis Camara, the leader of the political transition, launched a “diligent” campaign against corruption and drug traffickers. Guinea: Red flags ahead of the 2020 presidential election documents the deteriorating human rights situation between January 2015 and October 2019, including the … Republic of Guinea: Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the presidential election on 18 October 2020 In the run-up to the election on 18 October, the EU shares the concerns already expressed by regional and international actors regarding the conditions under which it is being organised. Election présidentielle en Guinée. CONAKRY- L’élection présidentielle de 2020 en Guinée va certainement révéler des surprises. Des Guinéens affrontent les forces de l’ordre devant l’ambass. 13 talking about this. Moussa Faki Mahamat, a décidé de déployer une Mission d’Observation Electorale (MOEUA) dans le cadre de l’élection présidentielle prévue le 18 octobre 2020 en République de Guinée. [10], The 2020 elections as a critical test for Guinea. Political violence in Guinea has several effects, including the reinforcement of a culture of impunity, the use of ethnicity as a mobilising factor to stimulate groups to acts of political violence, making electoral participation a risky political exercise. Haley said she was 'deeply distrubed' to see the way Trump conducted himself after the 2020 election. Côte d’Ivoire : déclaration du Haut Représentant au nom de l'Union européenne sur l’élection présidentielle du 31 octobre 2020 Présidentielle en Guinée. Watch Queue Queue Read headlines covering the presidential debates, results, and more. When looking at the history of Guinea, political violence appears to be the main approach to acquire, manage and challenge power. Le Président de la Commission de l'Union africaine (CUA), S.E.M Moussa Faki Mahamat a décidé du déploiement d’une Mission d'Observation Electorale (MOEUA) en République de Guinée dans le cadre de l’élection présidentielle du 18 octobre 2020. C'est le cas de Matoto (Conakry) et Kankan (Haute Guinée). Voting deadlines for … Amadou Makissa Diallo - novembre 7, 2020. First, the outcome of the current dialogue between the government and the opposition on the creation of a new electoral register. PHOTO / JOHN WESSELS / AFP Après une journée de vote globalement calme dimanche 18 octobre en Guinée et alors que le principal opposant vient de se déclarer vainqueur, le pays retient son souffle en attendant les résultats, raconte ce journal du Burkina Faso. Unfortunately, the Guinean army has over time become a factor of insecurity to the population rather than the reverse. While the international community currently has its eyes riveted toward its Malian neighbour, the socio-political and security situation of Guinea is going unnoticed. Alors que les douze coups de minuit sonnaient pour annoncer la clôture de la réception des dossiers de candidature à l’élection … Second, the role of the international community to continue to closely monitor the political process. 5 millions d'électeurs appelés aux urnes. Following several days of vote -counting, the democratic candidate, Joe Biden, secured the electoral votes needed to become the next President of the United States. Ce samedi 07 novembre 2020, la cour constitutionnelle a procédé à la proclamation définitive des résultats du scrutin présidentielle … Accueil » Annonces » Présidentielle 2020 : Damantang Camara met en garde les candidats qui se hasarderont à publier les résultats. Election présidentielle en Guinée. [5] Barry, M.A., L’Armée Guinéenne: Comment et pour quoi faire?, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2009. L'élection présidentielle guinéenne de 2020 a lieu le 18 octobre 2020 afin d'élire le président de la République de Guinée. En 2020, la Guinée a vécu des crises politiques récurrentes, caractérisées par des manifestations qui se sont soldées par des morts et des dégâts matériels importants tant à Conakry qu’à l’intérieur du pays. [12] International Crisis Group, Guinea’s Other Emergency: Organising Elections, Report N°106/Africa, December 2014, 1. Read headlines covering the presidential debates, results, and more. [14] If he actually goes through with this Guineans might ultimately turn to look for other sources of authority and advancement in the longer-run. Competition for power within and between political parties can quickly escalate, which was the case earlier this year when the battle between the UFDG leader Cellou Dalein Diallo and his vice-president Bah Oury for the control of the party degenerated into gun shots, causing the death of a journalist by a stray bullet.[3]. Is Guinea a signatory to CEDAW: Yes (17 July 1980) The first free and fair elections in Guinea’s history took place only in 2010. In the 2020 presidential election, President Trump and Vice President Pence will likely face a slew of Democratic candidates vying for the chance to challenge their bid for a second term. Issues for the European Union . ? Twitter. [8] Although some military units have been properly trained and equipped over the past few years, these are largely limited to the presidential security force. Présidentielle en Guinée. Alpha Condé et Cellou Dalein Diallo, candidats à l'élection présidentielle du 18 octobre . NDI is a 501(c)(3) organization. He was challenged by former prime minister Cellou Dalein Diallo, as well as several other candidates. The 2015 presidential elections were uncontested due to the general expectation that Alpha Condé would be re … [10] Fédération internationale des ligues des droits de l’Homme, Guinée-Conakry: 1 An Après Le Massacre Du 28 Septembre 2009 Nouveau Pouvoir, Espoir De Justice?, N° 456f, Septembre 2010, (accessed October 2016). 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